
 Creatinine is a waste product produced by muscles. Creatinine is removed from the body by the kidneys, release it into the urine. The creatinine clearance is a test that allows doctor to assess your kidney function. The clearance of substance may be defined as the volume of blood or plasma cleared of the substance found in one minute excretion of urine. It is usually measured using both a blood test and a urine test. The creatinine clearance can also be estimated from a mathematical formula that will use the blood levels of creatinine along with other factors (such as your age, race, and gender).

Creatine clearance = urine creatinine (mg/dl )× total volume of urine/serum creatinine  (mg/dl )×1440

 Creatinine clearance testing determines overall glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which reflect how well the kidneys are cleaning the blood. The normal range of creatinine clearance is between 97 and 137 ml/min for males, and 88 and 128 ml/min for females. An abnormal creatinine clearance test means that creatinine is not filtered properly by your kidneys. When kidneys slow down, creatinine levels increase. This means you could be at risk of having kidney problems.

 Archives of Clinical Pathology is actively publishing articles related to such topics of pathology and is inviting scientists to associate and publish with the journal.


With regards

Katherine Gray| Managing Editor

Archives of Clinical Pathology

40 Bloomsbury Way, Lower Ground Floor, London, United Kingdom