Comprehensive human genome amplification using multiple displacement amplification


Fundamental to most genetic analysis is availability of genomic DNA of adequate quality and quantity. Because DNA yield from human samples is frequently limiting, much effort has been invested in developing methods for whole genome amplification (WGA) by random or degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR. However,existingWGAmethodslikedegenerateoligonucleotideprimed PCR suffer from incomplete coverage and inadequate average DNA size. We describe a method, termed multiple displacement amplification (MDA), which provides a highly uniform representationacrossthegenome.Amplificationbiasamongeight chromosomal loci was less than 3-fold in contrast to 4–6 orders of magnitude for PCR-based WGA methods. Average product length was>10kb.MDAisanisothermal,strand-displacingamplification yielding about 20–30  g product from as few as 1–10 copies of human genomic DNA. Amplification can be carried out directly from biological samples including crude whole blood and tissue culture cells. MDA-amplified human DNA is useful for several common methods of genetic analysis, including genotyping of singlenucleotidepolymorphisms,chromosomepainting,Southern blotting and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, subcloning,andDNAsequencing.MDA-basedWGAisasimpleand reliablemethodthatcouldhavesignificantimplicationsforgenetic studies, forensics, diagnostics, and long-term sample storage. 

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