Colorectal Cancer Prevention 2000: Screening Recommendations of the American College of Gastroenterology

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States (1). Physicians and lay persons are becoming increasingly aware that most colorectal cancers and most deaths from colorectal cancer are preventable through screening. Screening is the search for cancer and precancerous polyps (adenomas) in asymptomatic persons. Colorectal cancer has several features that make it ideal for screening. First, it is both common and serious (fatal if not identified early or left untreated). Second, it has a readily identifiable and slow growing precursor lesion, the adenoma, removal of which prevents progression to cancer (2–4). Third, colorectal cancer, once developed, is believed to advance relatively slowly from stages that are readily curable by surgery (Dukes A and B) to stages that are not (Dukes C and D). Fourth, currently recommended prevention tests are widely available.
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