Central Dogma of Life


                              Central Dogma of Life

The flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA and from RNA to Proteins is called Central dogma of life. The polymerization of RNA complementary to the antisense strand of DNA is called Transcription. In some viruses DNA is formed from the RNA which is called as Reverse Transcription. The genetic information (In the form of nucleotide sequence) from the DNA is carried by the RNA (m-RNA) from nucleus to cytoplasm (in eukaryotes). In the Protein synthesizing factory (ribosomes) the information in the m-RNA is decoded into protein sequence with the help of t-RNA, many factors and enzymes. Those proteins undergo modifications and participate in various functions like enzymatic function, hormonal function, structural function, energy giving function etc.

 The survival and growth of a living organisms depends on the above said process hence the name is given as central dogma of life. The study related to the DNA, RNA and proteins is called molecular biology which is the most prominent and emerging study in recent days. Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology is actively publishing articles related to the fields of molecular biology and is now inviting researchers to associate and publish new findings in the journal.

Editorial Assistant,

Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology.

Email ID: biochemistry@molecularbiol.com