Celebrating 9th Anniversary Journal of Food and Nutrition Disorders


Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders (ISSN: 2324-9323) is programmed to commemorate its ninth anniversary in 2020. Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders (JFND) is a scientific, peer-reviewed, academic journal that promotes rigorous research that makes an important contribution in propelling information and provides a significant forum for researchers and scholars to exchange their knowledge on current advancement in food science and research, nutrition and its disorders. JFND is an online hybrid model journal that offers authors to publish their research by subscription as well as open access for high permeability, unlimited access, usage, and increased citations. The bimonthly journal has successfully released several peer-reviewed articles assembled from wide geographic areas across the world since its origin in 2012.

The Editorial Board of the Journal is planning to avail of some special discounts to its publishers in order to celebrate the decade of publishing services. The Journal offers this one of a kind chance of more prominent flexibility to its contributors to publish wide range of articles including research, review, short communication, case report, commentary, rapid communication, letter to the editor, hypothesis, short note, conference proceedings, etc. on the themes pertaining to food sciences, food technology and human nutrition. On this event, the Journal stretches out greeting to all scholars, researchers, scientists affiliated with Food Nutrition research to join in the celebrations and share their research work and exploration outcomes.

Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders offers special discounts up to 20% on the article processing charges on the occasion of venturing into 9th year in publication and invites authors over the globe to best utilize this chance and submit their manuscript. Currently, the Journal with wide range of articles is listed in the International abstracting and indexation databases including Sherpa Romeo, Journal TOCs, COSMOS, Cross Ref, Academic Keys, Research Bible, OCLC World Cat, Scilit, Publons, International Innovative Journal Impact Factor, J Gate, Google Scholar having Index Copernicus (74.34).

The scope of the Journal includes Food Science and Technology, Food and Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition, Human Nutrition, Childhood Obesity, Diet and Cancer, Nutrition Deficiencies and Eating Disorders, Food Processing and Preservation, Food Safety, Quality Control, Anorexia Nervosa, Clinical Nutrition, Malnutrition, Diet Therapy, Food Additives, Food Allergy, Food Chemistry, Food Hygiene, Food Microbiology, Food Safety, Nutraceuticals, Nutritional Biochemistry, Nutritional Disorders, Nutritional supplements, Pediatric Nutrition.

Note: Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders is a constituent Journal of SciTechnol, which is one of the well-established scientific publisher producing periodical volumes of systematic and scholarly peer-reviewed articles all disciplines of clinical, medical, pharmaceutical, neurosciences, environmental science, and business management since year 2012. SciTechnol with its standard publication-quality carved a niche in the global publishing industry, in a short duration. With more than 5 million readers and nearly 6,000 authors around the globe, it is a uniquely positioned leading online journal publishing house. The motto of SciTechnol is dedication, transparency, and obsession for work that drives it to harness the power of knowledge.


Vannie Dash
Journal Coordinator
Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders
WhatsApp: +44-7480-724769