Celebrating 8 years of success of Journal of Women’s Health, Issues and Care


Journal of Women’s Health, Issues & Care (ISSN: 2325-9795) is delighted to announce its 8th anniversary celebration in the month of December, 2019. Journal of Women’s Health, Issues and Care (JWHIC) is a Hybrid: Scitechnol Journal. And at Scitechnol Journals, We're constantly working hard towards good critique (best peer-review) for every article submitted from worldwide. On the occasion of our 8th anniversary, we are thrilled to announce publication of a Special Issue entitled “Maternal Health”. The Special Issue has been designed to publish research articles and case reports of issues related to maternal health and safe motherhood, both from developed and developing countries.

Women Health and Care is a medical specialty that includes a wide range of fields in its discipline like Female Reproductive System, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Urinary Tract Infection, Sexual Problems in Women, Pregnancy and Child health, Child Birth, Women Mental Health, Pregnancy, Maternal health, Women's Diet and Nutrition etc.

Women Issues is the another specialty that majorly includes Domestic violence on women and other discrimination due to gender.

This Journal has created a platform for the authors worldwide to make their contribution towards the Journal and spread awareness as well as their researches among our worldwide readers. Our Editorial Board promises best peer review in the industry for every submitted manuscript to maintain the quality of Journal as well as to provide better services to our eminent authors.

Google analytics has revealed that readers are constantly accessing the journal website round the clock. Approximately 7641 visitors accessed the journal home page for various academic and research purposes. The geographical distribution of our readership is as follows: Asia 68.77%, Europe 10.1%, Africa 5.96%, America 8.51%, and Others 6.66%.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Journal, JWHIC offers 20% off on Article Processing Charges (APCs). To avail the offer, submit your pioneering work at womenhealth@emedicinejournals.org

Author Benefits for Special Issue Articles

Open Access to your research: All published articles are freely accessible from any part of the world without any restrictions under the subscription model.

Rapid processing: Manuscript will be processed at the quickest possible time to provide first decisions for submitted special issue articles – often within two weeks of submission or even earlier.

Rapid publication: All accepted articles of these Special Issues will be published approximately one week from the day of acceptance.

Rebates: Articles featured in Special Issues can avail a 20% discount on the applicable publication charges.

Author reprints: Paper reprints for published articles will be available on request.

Widest possible audience: Open access publishing allows unrestricted access to readers worldwide. Articles can be accessed from any corner of the world which encourages global readership.

Author services: Supportive staff is promptly accessible to answer all your inquiries through email.

JWHIC accepts original unpublished articles that are not submitted/published anywhere else.

Evelyn Ross
Journal Coordinator
Journal of Women’s Health, Issues, and Care
Email: womenhealth@emedicinejournals.org