Animal Emotions in Scope of Research

Researchers look deeper into animal emotions for clues about decision making. New approaches in the study of animal behavior allow researchers to study the effects of optimistic and pessimistic moods on animal behavior. This article covers animal psychology, animal behavior, psychiatry and other cognitive sciences.
Happy? Angry? Anxious? How Can We Measure Animal Emotions?
To understand how animals experience the world and how they should be treated, people need to better understand their emotional lives. A new review of animal emotion suggests that, as in humans, emotions may tell animals about how dangerous or opportunity-laden their world is, and guide the choices that they make.
An animal living in a world where it is regularly threatened by predators will develop a negative emotion or ‘mood’, such as anxiety, whereas one in an environment with plenty of opportunities to acquire resources for survival will be in a more positive mood state.
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Peter K
Editorial Assistant
Journal of Neuroscience and Clinical Research
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