Animal conservation


Animal conservation is the act of protecting ecosystems and environments to protect the animals that live there.

The importance of animal conservation is immeasurable, at a time where our planet is currently experiencing the sixth major extinction event in the 3.6 billion years that life has been on it. This is also the first extinction event caused by humans and the only one to occur since the dinosaurs were wiped out some 65 million years ago. This is at a time where the rubbish path in the Pacific ocean is larger than the U.S.A and where baby birds swallow more shards of plastic than nutritious food!

But without trying to scare you away…there is also a lot of positive work beginning to show great results. From the downgrading of the snow leopard from ‘endangered’ to ‘vulnerable’ by the ICUN to the successful red squirrel conservation projects going on all over the UK, animal conservation is on our doorsteps and is happening all around us. Animal conservation also gives the unique opportunity to travel the world – conservation in the UK is very different to animal conservation abroad. Projects and animal conservation societies are being set up and developed all over the world every day, and along with that comes the urgent need for animal conservation volunteers and science specialists.

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