Acta Chimica and Pharmaceutica Indica Marks it’s Ten Long Years of Journey by Announcing Discounts on Article Processing Charges


On behalf of the Acta Chimica and Pharmaceutica Indica, as Editor-in-Chief, it is my distinct honour and privilege to inform you that, it’s been ten long years we have started the Journal, now we are celebrating the 10th Anniversary and we are privileged to welcome Clinical Society to our journal. As Editor-In-Chief it is my great pleasure and honour to welcome you to the Acta Chimica and Pharmaceutica Indica.

It gives us great pleasure to announce the call for paper on the occasion of 10th Anniversary of the Journal at special discount of 30% on one-time article processing charge. Academicians and scientists are encouraged to utilize this opportunity to get their articles reviewed, processed published at relatively faster pace and lower charges. Authors who publish with us during the celebration period will also be eligible for academic awards.

The journal invites research, review articles, short communications, case reports, Editorials, expert opinions & commentaries from different regions for publication.

How we work:

  • After submission, an acknowledgement with manuscript number is sent to the corresponding author within 7 working days.
  • A 21 day window time frame is allotted for peer-review process wherein multiple experts are contacted.
  • Author proof is generated within 7 working days after the acceptance decision.