Acardia in twins or triplets.


Acardia is a rare developmental malformation that occurs only in twins or triplets. It is also referred to as acardiac acephalus, acardiac twinning, or twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) syndrome or sequence. The disorder is very rare and occurs in 1 in 34,600 births or 1 in 100 monozygotic twins and 1 in 30 monozygotic triplets and 1 in quintuplets. For all cases reported are monozygous twins. There are, however, records of dichorionic monozygotic twin gestations with a TRAP number. Arcadia needs the involvement of arterial – arterial anastomosis in the placenta, with a retrograde perfusion of improperly oxygenated blood from the regular twin to the acardiac, venous – venous anastomosis that brings blood back from the acardiac to the donor twin. Share your comments on topic Email us: Submit your submission through direct online link: For more information visit our website: We accept more than one paper for one author you can also go for membership.