A VHDL Holistic Modeling Approach and FPGA Implementation of a Digital Sensorless Induction Motor Control Scheme


The Journal focuses on Control systems, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA), induction motor drives, modeling, neural networks.This paper presents a sensorless neural-networkbased induction motor control scheme, developed by following a holistic approach to electronic system modeling and controller design. The method uses Very-high-speed integrated circuits Hardware Description Language (VHDL), allowing the engineering system’s functional description to be combined with a detailed digital controller design, which is then implemented into a fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA). The VHDL description of the hardware-implemented neural networks is automatically generated by C++ programs, in an adaptable architecture, appropriate to low-dynamic systems such as fans and pumps. The complete system performance is investigated by simulation and validated experimentally. This approach provides advantages such as a unique modeling and evaluation environment for complete power electronic systems, the same environment is used for the digital controller design and compact FPGA rapid prototyping, fast design development, short time to market, a CAD platform independent model, and reusability of the model/design.

The fast progress of very large scale integration (VLSI) technology and electronic design automation (EDA) techniques in recent years has created the opportunity for the development of complex and compact high-performance controllers for power electronic systems. Currently, the engineer is using modern EDA tools to create, simulate, and verify a design, and without committing to hardware, can quickly evaluate complex systems with high confidence in the “right first time” correct operation of the final product. The proposed approach extends the traditional use of hardware description languages for VLSI digital circuits design, in particular, Very-high-speed integrated circuits Hardware Description Language (VHDL), to encompass the holistic modeling of power electronic systems, including modern fuzzy and neural controllers. The outcome is a design environment that allows all aspects of the system to be considered simultaneously, thus maximizing operational performance in order to achieve high efficiency  and power quality. Successful innovation often means a design achieving a desirable cluster of characteristics, subject to certain constrains, and holistic modeling of complex technical systems can constitute the first step toward novel designs of high performance.

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Journal of Industrial Electronics and Applications
Email: industrialelect@peerreviewedjournal.org